1979 20.may 1530-1621z hrd EA 21.may 1431-1626z hrd 2x EA, 1x F
1980 11.jul 1658-1725z hrd 3x EA 12.jul 1730-1801z hrd 2x EA then it was totally clear for me: i NEED a PA, 10W is QRPP and nothing ..
1981 7.jun 1627-1841z 6x OH, 6x LA, 4x SM, 1x UR (my 1st homemade PA was finished 1 week earlier! ... uff) 9.jun 1414-1426z 5x G, 2x GW 10.jun 1318z 1x SM 8.jul 1352-1430 4x UB5, 1x UA6 15.jul 1432-1454z 4x G, 1x EA, 2x F, 1x GJ
1982 5.jun 1639z 1x EA 30.jul 1214z 1x G
1983 7.jun 1429-1529z 14x EA 15.jun 1708-1712z 2x F, 2x EA 17.jun 1654-1718z 3x UB5 2.jul 1047-1151z 6x EA 15.jul 1610-1718z 7x 9H, 8x IT9 16.jul 0636z 1x EA 1716-1719z 3x EA
1984 8.jun 1231-1309z 5x EA, 1x F 1757z 1x LA 1858-2028z 24x SM, 12x OH, 3x LA, 1x OH0 17.jun 0856-0938z 1x F, 4x EA 27.jun 1401z 1x U1 6.aug 1237-1249z 9x F
1985 2.jun 1608-1619z 7x F 5.jun 1130-1253z 4x 9H, 1x CT, 3x EA, 1x F, 1x IT9 11.jun 1733-1736z 2x GM 28.jun 0907-0927z 9x EA
1986 25.jun 1712-1750z 3x EA 2.jul 1539-1627z 1x RC2, 3x RA3 8.jul 1537-1827z 9x RA3, 4x OH, 1x RA1, 1x UR2 4.aug 0904-0922z 8x G, 1x GW, 1x GI 5.aug 1652z 1x UW6 6.aug 1549-1606z 3x EA
1987 7.jun 1231-1242z 5x EA, 1x F 1709-1721z 2x UA6, 1x UB5 14.jun 0506z 1x UW6 16.jun 0826-0915z 4x EA, 2x F 8.jul 0700z 1x RB5 16.aug 1045z 1x RA3
1988 2.jun 1630z 1x UD6 4.jun 1455-1653z 7x EA, 1x F 10.jul 1431-1556z 31x G, 3x EI, 1x GW, 1x GD
1989 5.jun 1745-1757z 1x TA1, 1x TA2, 1x LZ 10.jun 1837-1905z 1x TA2, 4x LZ 2048-2243z 9x G, 6x F, 2x EA 12.jun 1211-1301z 14x EA, 4x F 17.jun 1105-1110z 2x RA3, 1x RC2
1990 1.jun 1836-1837z 1x RA3, 1x RB5
1992 6.jun 0940-1006z 3x EA, 2x F, 2x UT5 1403-1419z 3x EA 22.jun 1922-2011z 12x G, 1x GW, 1x EI, 1x ZB0
1994 24.jun 1801-1834z 7x EA
1995 2.jun 1522-1537z 3x F 5.jun 1453-1842z 15x EA, 1x EA9 6.jun 0925-1125z 1x EA6, 3x EA, 1x EA9 9.jun 1518-1640z 21x G, 2x GW, 1x F 12.jun 0957-1055z 10x EA 19.jun 1740-1747z 1x UR3, 1x UA6, 1x UX7 25.jun 1629-1638z 3x EA 1.jul 1757-1823z 7x EA 15.jul 1850-1940z 13x EA, 1x CT, 2x F 20.jul 1420z 1x EA7
1996 23.may 1120-1727z 4x UA3, 3x IT9, 3x 9H, 1x EA6, 1x 5B4 7.jun 1004-1038z 1x GW, 1x G, 1x EI
1997 5.jun 0621-0739z 1x RA3, 1x EU1, 2x YO4 18.jun 1128z 1x F
1999 29.may 1027z 1x RZ6 19.jun 1711-1715z 2x OH1 20.jun 1108-1134z 7x SV, 1x SV8 1328-1330z 2x YO3 1435z 1x UX0 17.jul 1704-1741z 1x UA1, 1x OH5 18.jul 1557z 1x 9H1 hrd 1620-1639z 1x F, 1x F hrd 20.jul 1640-1703z 1x EA1, 1x F 4.aug 1631-1650z 1x EA1 hrd, 1x EA4 hrd
2000 27.may 1718-1730z 2x G, 1x 9H, 1xGD hrd 28.may 1515-1523z 2x 9H hrd, 1x IT9 2013-2018z 1x GM, 1x OH1, 1x SM5 hrd 9.jun 1548-1749z 2x EA, 1x CT 1934-1956z 2x EA 12.jun 1558z 1x GM0 13.jun 2051-2140 i wkd via FAI: IZ0AEG, IK0BZY, IK7TOF, EA3ADW, I8JIT, IW0QNX, I7FML, EA3DUY, F1NSR EA3GJO, F1EYB, EA3FLN, F6HZL, IW5DAN, I5WBE, I4XCC, IK4DRY 14.jun 1907z 1x EA9AK hrd 24.jun 1422z 1x EA9IB hrd, 1x CN2DX hrd 1654-1719 1x 9H1, 3x I8, 5x IT9 1854-1904 1x EA9MH hrd, 3x CT, 1x EA6 30.jun 1407-1418 4x UA6 hrd (nothing new hi), 1x RN6LU 2.jul 1526z hrd EA3 9.jul 1116z 1x EA/F6 11.jul 1710-1753 SM2,3,4 OH1,2,6,7 24.jul 1446-1625 GM, G, GW, EI, F 30.jul 1638z F
2001 02.jul 1400-1610 EA1,3, F, EW, RW 07.jul 1525-1644 F, EA, G
2002 01.jun 0947-1000 hrd UU2JI, wkd RZ6BU 02.jun 1804 EI2FSB hrd hrd via FAI: I8MPO 08.jun 1415 EA7GTF 09.jun 0851 hrd EA3DUY 1540 RN6MT 19.jun 1540!-1553 RN6MT, UB5GIM, UY5HF, UR3GT 03.jul 1255-1346 7X2LS, 4x EA5 - hrd EA3GJO and EA5AFP hrd via FAI: EA3DUY
2003 09.jun 0906 UR5LX 16.jun 1525-1722 EA1, F 22.jun 1547-1605 EA4, CT1 21.jul 1608-1735 wkd 12 Stations from UA3 22.jul 1632-1721 wkd ES5, OH1,6,7, LY2,3, UA6MA, UA6IT, UY2QQ
2004 27.jun 1415-1435 EA1, G4 06.aug 1848 F4BWJ
2005 19.may 1630 hrd EA7BHO 31.may 1617 wkd SV5BYR - SV1,2 hrd - 4X4 was possible, but too short :<( 01.jun 1503-1810 wkd 49 Stations from UA1,3, ES4,5,6, OH5, YL2,3 05.jun 1105 hrd RA3QTT 55, wkd RX3QFM 09.jun 1759 hrd 5B8AD - and again: 4X4 was possible, but agn few meters too short :<( 10.jun 1738-1900 Opening direction EI, but nothing hrd - waterfields ... tja, this june is typical JN77 11.jun 1530-1900 Opening to G, LA, nothing hrd - again too much "waterfields" wkd via FAI: EA6VQ 05.jul 1712-1914 Opening to EA1 - nothing hrd = bad static rain (temp was 12.5°C here) 06.jul 1604-1628 Opening to EA1 - wkd EA1, EB1 (4X4 wkd HG1..) 06.jul 1758-1821 Opening to OH - wkd OH1,4,6 and OH8LRB in KP24hq (2002km) 24.aug 1839-1903 Which an surprising opening to UT5 and UA6 NEVER wkd a Es so late in the year - The ODX was RA6AS from KN93vn (1954km and a new Square)
2006 07.jun 1654-1709 wkd G4RRA, EA4WT, G4LOH - wkd via FAI: EA6VQ 09.jun 1641-1908 hrd nothing - Waterfields ... ;o) 10.jun 1251-1734 hrd nothing - CN8 = vy interesting, but agn Waterfields ... 11.jun 0845-0907 hrd nothing 1640-1834 Big chance to catch CN8 and/or EA8, but the clouds for a double-hop was not exact in my dx-line. 12.jun 1630-1900 wkd G0UWK and GM3ZXE 14.jun 1350-1744 wkd UY5ON (new #), RA3WDK, UT8AL - nice to work some old friends now also via Es ;o) a gd chance was from 1428 to 1438 to work UA4HX (LO43pm = 2479km) via double-hop, but he was working too slowly his pileup :<( the sign was 10mins always between S2 and S9! - after this frustrating opening, i was going out to wash my motorhome! 15.jun 1240-1435 again hrd nothing, so i was going outside to work in the garden, because i am not interested on any "Es-Stress". 16.jun 0845-0910 hrd: UA6MA, RA6DA, RA6BC - wkd RA6HHT (new #) and RN6BN 18.jun 1112-1811 wkd on the 1st opening: G4RRA and EI5FK (hrd EI8JS), then i was during the 2nd Es not at home, during the 3th opening i hrd nothing. 19.jun 1250-1630 hrd nothing during the first opening... yep, the good old OE-JN77 Es-Reflector hi. later the 2 clouds was i little bit too north, i hrd and wkd RA3AQ_Dima. 13.aug 0937-1052 nice opening to east - wkd agn some gd old friends.
2007 27.may 0738-1058 some usual ... i hrd nothing - CQ Waterfields ... 1645-1700 open to OD5, but nobody there, good Chance to catch SV9/Dl5MAE (KM24), but ... 28.may 1431-1620 hrd EA1DKV - and too many Waterfields ... 1718-1751 CQ Sahara ... 29.may 1548-1645 too short ... 05.jun 1411-1908 CQ Azores ... 06.jun 1507-2008 good chance to work CN8, but nobody at home ... hrd SV9CVY, but ONLY in direction 230° QTF! 09.jun 1503-1608 Opening to G-Land, but nothing hrd ... 14.jun 0547-0910 i was in qrl ... 1113-1636 i hrd only F6HRP - (still "NICE" Es-Saison for me, NOT a single QSO!) ... 16.jun 1640-1706 nobody qrv from the Baltikum ... 19.jun 1444-1539 i dont believe it - my first Es-Opening in 2007! wkd 15 Stations from EA2, (3 hrd), 4, 5, 6, 7 Note: The last 3 years was NO gd Es 4 me - and this year is one of my badest years for sporadic easy since 1978! The Locator JN77 is a good reflector 4 Es, but not good for some openings 4 myself. So, i stop now my "waiting for any Es" If i`m at home, and there is a opening = vy nice. If i`m at home, and there is no opening (some usual) = vy nice. If i`m not at home, and there is a opening = what shalls. better i go to play with my grand-childs ... make a tour with my crossbike, or wash and cleaning my motorhome, hi. conclusio: good DX via Es - IF i have time, THEN i am QRV - finish.
2008 24.may not qrv, wash my motorhome ;-) 25.may not qrv, playing with grandchilds ;-) 28.may not qrv, no time for sporadic 30.may 1545-1608 wkd UA6AGK and UA6MA, hrd RA6DA (too much qrm, but i wkd him on jan-2006 via EME) 07.jun 1541-1617 wkd TA7KA with an outstanding singal, no others hrd (was listening for Larry-RV6YY)
2009 ... as usual ... --- so, i prefer:03.jul 1535-1540 wkd F8DBF and F5PAU ... the only one opening in 2009 ....
2010 11.may 1431 wkd Serge UT5JCW (KN64) with vy good signal ... QSO #3 in 2010 in Europe 23. 1322-1425 wkd TA2ZAF, UT5JCW and RV6YY - hrd TA7KA, TA7X and LZ3GM 24. 1532-1537 wkd EA5/YO4RFV, EA3HBO, EB3DYS and EB5HRX - hrd some F`s from the south, EA3DJL and EA3EDU 26. 1530-1533 hrd TB2NNI/8 from KM87QA with 55 (10w! and 8el), but too much QSB - gd chance to work 4X or OD, but NIL in JN77 ... 06.jun 1709 wkd UA6DX from KN85kk with UFB signal - new Square 07. 1554-1600 wkd RU6DZ, RA6DA, UA6AGK, RN6DJ and (agn) Larry RV6YY - was looking for 4L1FP, but nothing 13. 1618-1644 wkd 7 Stations from EA1, EA2 and F6 - lazy sunday for me, so i was qrv ... 14. 1638-1640 wkd IW9HGF and IT9BLB/p from JM68 between 1609 and 1648 i hrd some 9H-Stations - at 1804 i hrd EA1DDU (IN73) 19. 1743 wkd RA3WDK with gd, but vy short, signal 20. 1059-1130 wkd OH7HXH, OH7MA and OH6HTL i dont know, what going on this year - i wkd now more qso then 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 together! tja, Es or not Es ... what shalls... hi
2011 26.may 1558-1620 wkd GJ9JSY, F8DBF, F6KHM and F1LEA - hrd F4EJW and F1NUM 16.jul 1851-1857 wkd EB1RL and F8DTU/p 26. 1605 wkd EA1MX 30. 1500-1517 wkd UC6A, UA6BI, UU1JH and UT5JAX 07.aug 1829 wkd UC6A
2012 09.jun 1204-1207 wkd TA3HM and TA3EU 10.jun 1226 wkd EB1SI VY LOW activity from my side, i was the most time with my Mountainbike on Tour :-)
2013 NO QSOs --- i was the most time with my Mountainbike on Tour :-)
2014 23.may 1620-1646 wkd RN3KK, RA3WDK = hello Ivan :-)
2015 16.jun 1412 wkd EA6SA with UFB sign! 21.Jun 2014 wkd agn EA6SA... hello Joseph - nice 2 cu 22.Jun 1710 wkd G4RRA, hello Paul, tnx 4 another QSO :-) 1742 wkd EI4DQ, hay Tom, nice 2 cu! 25.jun 1731-1755 wkd UA3PTW KO93, RA3POV KO93 --- hrd RA3UAG 59 from LO06, UA3WM KO72 and UR5LX KO70 08.jul 1453 wkd IT9DBM with an outstanding sign 1605-1618 wkd EA2XR, EA1BFZ, EA2CCG and EA2AWD
2016 26.may 1658-1719 wkd UA6MA KN97, RN3QR LO00 new#, RW3QJA KO90, UT8LN KN89 hrd RO3X KO73, UT2QQ KN77 and UR3EE KN88 18.jun 0631-0833 wkd UX0FF, RN6BW, RG7A, UC6A, YO4FYQ, RA6C, LZ2QA and LZ1ZX
2017 18.jun 1737-1752 wkd SM4IVE, SM5DFF, SM0KAK - wkd 2 old friends after many years :-)
2018 NO time - NO QSOs :-) = had longer holidays with our motorhome hi
2019 24.mai 0955 wkd UR3HR between 27.mai and 29.june we was on holiday in SV3 ;-) 02.jul 1842 wkd F4EZJ
2020 18.mai 1350 hrd TA2NC 25.mai 0654 wkd UC6A KN84, RA6C KN94, UA6BBX KN94 - hrd R7KDX 26.mai 0654 hrd UA4UT ... i was sleeping too long... :-( 29.mai 1001-1944 wkd 2x F, 33x EA (new# IN63, after 42 years of waiting), 3xCT this was one of my best Es-oping ever during 42years of VHF-DX 31.mai 1251 wkd Dave G7RAU IN79 1529-1610 wkd F6APE IN97, F5PHW IN87, OH6KTL KP02, SM1HOW JO97, SM0MDG JO99 -- hrd OH1TP KP01 01.jun 1307 wkd GI6ATZ IO74 -- hrd G4KUX 21.jun 0936-0955 wkd R3PA KO93, UA4UK LO14, R5PM KO93, RM5P KO84 01.jul 1813 wkd 7X2RO JM16
2021 08.jul 1511-1513 wkd EA2TZ IN83, EA2BFM IN83 11.jul 1259-1311 wkd EC5V IM98, EA5IEA IM97, EC5M IM98, EA7HLB IM76, EA5SS IM98 1605-1635 wkd M0XVF IO94, GM4CXF IO75, GI4FUE IO74, G4FVP IO94, GI0OTC IO65 (new #) GM8MJV IO85, MM0CEZ IO75, G4HGI IO83, GI6ATZ IO74 (wkd agn after long time) 12.jul 1622-1638 wkd EB5HRX IM99, EA3HMM JN00, EA3AF JN01, EA2Z IN91
2022 09.jun 1419 wkd CT2HXM IN60 (new #) 1459 wkd EA1YV IN52 (wkd agn after long time)
2023 18.mai 1758 wkd EA4GDA IM68 24.mai 1220-1252 wkd UA6HJT LN14 = NEW #, UA6FZ LN14, R6FX LN14, RX6APY KN95, RX6DX KN95, RZ6DD LN04, RV6BH KN94, R6BY KN84, R6CO KN84, R6AM LN04, R7TJ LN05, UB6HRZ LN05, R6CS KN95, RK7H LN05 --- hrd R6BY on SSB (ONLY 1 Station!) 26.mai 1748-1755 wkd F6DBI IN88, F4EUG IN88 - NOBODY on SSB 144.300 ... :-( 28.mai 0811-0848 wkd US8AR KO60, RA3WJR KO81, UA3QLC KO91, UA3PTW KO93 (hello Dmitry, wkd agn after long time) RM5P KO84, RQ3P KO84 30.mai 0827-0905 wkd EW7HA KO53, EU7DD KO53, RA3LBK KO64, RA3LX KO65, R2BY KO85, EU1AEX KO33 EW1H KO33, UA3IDQ KO66, RV3YM KO63, UA1WCF KO55, RU3BQ KO85 1113 hrd OH1NG KP10 1132-1145 wkd OH6MAZ KP21, OH3NE KP11, OH1ND KP00 05.jun 1639-1749 wkd EA9E IM75, G0SYP IO83, G4VPD IO92, G0CUZ IO82 (hello Colin), F5APQ JO00, G4FSG JO02 G7SXR IO93, EI8KN IO62 = NEW #, GR4NBS JO02, G0HVQ IO81, G7DCT IO93, G4VZV IO93 SSB GI6ATZ IO74 (hello Gordon), GI4SNA IO64, G8JLY (hello Lyndon), GR8EEM IO93, EA4I IM68 hrd CT7BJG, EA7KBX, PA3BIY, ON5DRE, GW4HDF, EI3KD, G8XVJ, G0JJG, M0HAO, G4WJX, G4GFI, G4DCV, GI4FUE, G6HIE, G8HGN, G0XDI, G1GEY, G0LBK 13.jun 1420-1642 wkd EA5GJ IM97, EA5RM IM98, EA5JN IM97, F6GNR IN97, F8BON IN86 14.jun 1513-1518 wkd CT7ABA IN60, CT1ANO IN51 15.jun 1413-1709 wkd EA2LU IN92 SSB (hello Jorge), CT7BIZ IN60, EA2CCG IN92, EA1AF IN71, EA4ESM IN80 CT3HF IM12 = 3159 km, DXCC 136, NEW #, 1st OE-CT3 EB1LA IN73, EA2EXS IN82, EA1YV (hello Agustin), EA1CIU IN52, EA2XR IN83 EA1UR IN53, F4BKV IN95, F5XU JN15 SSB, F6CIS IN94 SSB, EA4GMY IN83, EA1FKI IN83 heard quite a few F and EA, but I was looking for any CT and (good chance) EA8 :-) 17.jun 1521 wkd 9H1CG JM75 hrd few IT9 and I8, but was looking 4 new ones ;-) 27.jun 1700 hrd RU3BQ KO85 29.jun 0911-0933 wkd RZ6DD LN04, R6DNV KN95, R6AM LN04, RD6F LN05 --- nothing from UA4 .... 1650-1912 wkd F1MLN IN99, F1DUZ IN97, G7RAU IN79, EA1BHB IN82, EA2BFM IN83, EA1ISE IN83 hrd 9H1TX, F6ANO, EI4ACB, EI9KP, EB2FJN, EA1LA, EA1W SSB 01.jul 1013 wkd UT8LN KN89 04.jul 1724-1730 wkd G4RRA IO80, EI3KD IO51, G7KTP IO82, GW4SHF IO82, 2E1EMK IO91, G0CUZ IO82 hrd G8TTI, G4CCZ, GW4HDF, G8OFA, G0XDI, G0BIX, G1HWY --- G4LOH +2, but no Chance... :-( 09.jul 1614-1654 wkd F5GHP IN96, F0GOW IN96, F6GNR IN97, F4DXX IN97, F6HKM IN78, F8DBF IN78 F8BON IN86, F6FGQ IN78 hrd F4JDM, F1GTU, G7RAU, F0EYI, F6ANO, F5DQK 11.jul 0942-0945 wkd UA4UT LO14, UA4UK LO14 hrd UB5PAQ 25.jul 1333-1337 hrd R6AS KN85, RX6APY KN95 12.aug 1925-1928 wkd EI6GF IO62, EI9E IO61 = NEW # 22.aug 1644-1645 hrd EA1UR IN80 - too short :-(
WOW - this year was really extraordinary for me = 21 openings and 110 QSO`s (!!!)
AND my ODX on 144mc: CT3HF IM12 = 3159 km, DXCC 136, NEW #, 1st OE-CT3 I KNOW, most of them on FT8 (!!!) --- i hope, SSB come back agn :-)
2024 xx.mai xxxx wkd xxxxxx xxxx
.....>.>.> You find a vy good info about 144mc Es_Openings (1974-1997) in DUBUS 1/1999/34_ff from Angel_LZ1AG !
.....>.>.> and (1998-2007) in DUBUS 1/2008/9_ff from Jo DL8HCZ/CT1HZE --- NEW Article in DUBUS 2/2014 from K6MIO
Last update: April 30, 2024 by O E 6 I W G